Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Then there was this crazy idea ......

Is it possible to wash your car just with air to avoid water wastage .........  without water

Methodology :

a. Apply the washable solution on the car ... <scrub the dirtiest place with sponge> ...

b. Then proceed with pressurized air on the car surface... 

PS: To be noted that .. Do not overpressure the air as it would damage the surface of the car ... 

c. Proceed with applying car wax and wiped it off with the appropriate machine... 

Waaaalah ... we are done washing without wasting water 

This equipment is mostly recommended which would be applicable where the is limited water resources. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

History of a CAMERA

Photography is a word derived from the Greek words photos ("light") and graphein ("to draw") The word was first used by the scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839. It is a method of recording images by the action of light, or related radiation, on a sensitive material.
First American Daguerreotype - Robert Cornelius

Pinhole Camera

Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham), a great authority on optics in the Middle Ages who lived around 1000AD, invented the first pinhole camera, (also called the Camera Obscura} and was able to explain why the images were upside down. The first casual reference to the optic laws that made pinhole cameras possible, was observed and noted by Aristotle around 330 BC, who questioned why the sun could make a circular image when it shined through a square hole.

The First Photograph

On a summer day in 1827, Joseph Nicephore Niepce made the first photographic image with a camera obscura.  
Prior to Niepce people just used the camera obscura for viewing or drawing purposes not for making photographs. Joseph Nicephore Niepce's heliographs or sun prints as they were called were the prototype for the modern photograph, by letting light draw the picture.
Niepce placed an engraving onto a metal plate coated in bitumen, and then exposed it to light. The shadowy areas of the engraving blocked light, but the whiter areas permitted light to react with the chemicals on the plate. When Niepce placed the metal plate in a solvent, gradually an image, until then invisible, appeared. However, Niepce's photograph required eight hours of light exposure to create and after appearing would soon fade away.

Louis Daguerre

Fellow Frenchman, Louis Gaguerre was also experimenting to find a way to capture an image, but it would take him another dozen years before Daguerre was able to reduce exposure time to less than 30 minutes and keep the image from disappearing afterwards.

The Birth of Modern Photography

In 1829, he formed a partnership with Joseph Nicephore Niepce to improve the process Niepce had developed.

In 1839 after several years of experimentation and Niepce's death, Daguerre developed a more convenient and effective method of photography, naming it after himself - the daguerreotype
Daguerre's process 'fixed' the images onto a sheet of silver-plated copper. He polished the silver and coated it in iodine, creating a surface that was sensitive to light. Then, he put the plate in a camera and exposed it for a few minutes. After the image was painted by light, Daguerre bathed the plate in a solution of silver chloride. This process created a lasting image, one that would not change if exposed to light.
In 1839, Daguerre and Niepce's son sold the rights for the daguerreotype to the French government and published a booklet describing the process. The daguerreotype gained popularity quickly; by 1850, there were over seventy daguerreotype studious in New York City alone.

Negative to Postive Process

The inventor of the first negative from which multiple postive prints were made was Henry Fox Talbot, an English botanist and mathematician and a contemporary of Daguerre.
Talbot sensitized paper to light with a silver salt solution. He then exposed the paper to light. The background became black, and the subject was rendered in gradations of grey. This was a negative image, and from the paper negative, Talbot made contact prints, reversing the light and shadows to create a detailed picture. In 1841, he perfected this paper-negative process and called it a calotype, Greek for beautiful picture.


Tinttypes, patented in 1856 by Hamilton Smith, were another medium that heralded the birth of photography. A thin sheet of iron was used to provide a base for light-sensitive material, yielding a positive image.

Wet Plate Negatives

In 1851, Frederick Scoff Archer, an English sculptor, invented the wet plate negative. Using a viscous solution of collodion, he coated glass with light-sensitive silver salts. Because it was glass and not paper, this wet plate  created a more stable and detailed negative.
Photography advanced considerably when sensitized materials could be coated on plate glass. However, wet plates had to be developed quickly before the emulsion dried. In the field this meant carrying along a portable darkroom.

Dry Plate Negatives & Hand-held Cameras

In 1879, the dry plate  was invented, a glass negative plate with a dried gelatin emulsion. Dry plates could be stored for a period of time. Photographers no longer needed portable darkrooms and could now hire technicians to develop their photographs. Dry processes absorbed light quickly so rapidly that the hand-held camera was now possible.

Flexible Roll Film

In 1889, George Eastman invented film with a base that was flexible, unbreakable, and could be rolled. Emulsions coated on a cellulose nitrate film base, such as Eastman's, made the mass-produced box camera a reality.

Color Photographs

In the early 1940s, commercially viable color films (except Kodachrome, introduced in 1935) were brought to the market. These films used the modern technology of dye-coupled colors in which a chemical process connects the three dye layers together to create an apparent color image.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Trevi test

How Does Trevitest Work

Here’s the basic principle, A force is applied to the valve spindle to overcome the spring tension of the valve. This is achieved using a hydraulic power pack linked to an electronic load transducer (Load Cell). A computer is then used to measure the force applied. By combining this data with information on the valve seat and line pressure of the valve it is possible to assess the set pressure.

Cost Effective Safety & Relief Valve Testing.
Hot testing of valves while operations continue. Cold Testing of valves on site and in the workshop. Trevitest will increase efficiency and save your organization money from day one.
In the past, valve testing revolved around, workshops and most importantly shutting down the line. The whole process was both time consuming and costly – but there is an alternative.
With Trevitest you can carry out accurate assessments of safety and relief valves in situ and under pressure – Hot Testing. There’s also the option of Cold Testing to assess the performance of new and existing valves.
Developed and patented world-wide by Furmanite, Trevitest is fast, safe and efficient. Operated in accordance with strict control procedures centred on ISO 9001, Trevitest can by used with most safety and relief valves manufactured for use in steam, air, gas process and water systems. These include conventional spring type valves, torsion bar valves.

Serving Energy Sector

  • Thermal, hydro and nuclear power generation.
  • Onshore/Offshore oil and gas production.
  • Refineries and petrochemical plants.
  • Fertilizer and Chemical plants.  
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Food processing plants.
  • Pulp and Paper plants.

    Hot Testing – Measured Under Preasure
    With Trevitest Hot Testing you get a date marked certified print out of valve set pressure and the line pressure at the valve. From this information the set pressure, spring adjustment rate and displacement lift of the valve can be determined. Trevitest also gives an indication of the effect of the nozzle ring, guide ring and reseat pressure. Major applications include:
    • Steam Service Valves: Test  LP/HP valves of the drum safety and reheater valves at normal operating pressure without the need for increased boiler pressure.
    • Clean Process Valves: Test all clean process safety and relief valves of almost all chemicals, oil and gases. 
    • Nuclear Valves: Test safety valves on the secondary side, main steam safety valves and safety valves on the primary side plus CO2valves and pressuriser valves.

    The Advantages of Hot Testing

    • No interruption to plant production during testing.  
    • Diagnose safety and relief valves that require maintenance while the plant is running normally prior to scheduled shutdowns.
    • Reduced time needed to commission the plant after shutdown.
    • Reduced fuel costs with no need to raise system pressure.
    • Only valve that require an overhaul need to be removed from the line.
    • Welded in valves can be adjusted without costly removal form the line.
    • Multiple test and resettings of valves within a short time scale.
    • No need for temperature compensation to set pressure.

    Cold Testing – A Cool Assessment

    With Trevitest Cold Testing you can determine the set pressure, spring rate and valve displacement, Major applications include:
    • Pre-commissioning safety and relief valves on new plant.
    • Workshop testing following the conventional bench test to give the valve a “fingerprint”. This can be verified once the valve is on – site.
    Advantages of Cold Testing
    • Eliminate the cost of the removing valves from their location prior to commissioning new plant.
    • Only valves requiring overhaul are removed from the line – reducing plant downtime.
    • Correct spline alignment of torsion bar safety valves saves unplanned shutdown.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is landfill gas?

What is landfill gas? 

Gases are formed in a landfill when buried
wastes decompose (breakdown by 
bacteria) or volatize (change from a liquid 
or solid to a vapor). These bacterial and 
chemical processes create gases that are 
unlikely to pose any serious health 
hazards, but they may cause odors that 
some people find unpleasant.   

What do I smell? 

The most common type of landfill is the 
municipal solid waste facility, which 
accepts household and non-hazardous 
commercial and industrial waste. It 
typically contains 60% organic material,
such as food and paper. Because organic 
material tends to produce a great deal of
gas, municipal solid waste landfills have
the potential to produce odors. 
Sulfides and ammonia are the most 
common sources of odor in landfill gas. 
Sulfides produce a strong, rotten-egg 
smell that humans can detect even at very 
low concentrations. Ammonia produces a 
pungent odor that many people are 
familiar with because it is often used in 
household cleaning products. Both are 
normally present in the air, regardless of 
the presence of a landfill. 

Is landfill gas hazardous to 
my health?
Landfill gas may cause temporary 
discomfort, but it is not likely to cause 
permanent health effects. At extremely 
high concentrations, humans may 
experience eye irritation, headaches, 
nausea, and soreness of the nose and 
throat. People with respiratory ailments 
such as asthma are especially sensitive to 
these effects. However, these temporary 
conditions are reversed as soon as the 
gases are reduced or eliminated.  
There is another group of chemicals, 
called non-methane organic compounds 
(NMOCs), which may be present in the air 
near a landfill, though they are not likely to 
reach harmful levels. NMOCs may occur 
naturally, or be formed by chemical 
processes. There is concern that longterm exposure to high levels of NMOCs 
could lead to health problems, but health
studies have been largely inconclusive. 
Currently, there is not enough information 
about the impacts that lifestyle choices, 
such as tobacco use, may have on 
compounding the health effects from 
exposure to landfill gases. 
Many people find the odors emitted from a 
landfill to be unpleasant. Although these
odors are undesirable, no medical 
attention is usually required. Landfill odors 
may cause temporary symptoms such as
nausea and headache, but their effect on
the comfort of individuals is difficult to 
evaluate, because different individuals 
may react differently to the same type and 
intensity of odor. 

What other hazards are 
associated with landfill gas?
The migration of landfill gas creates health 
and safety concerns when the gas enters 
buildings and other confined areas. Under 
these circumstances, landfill gas may 
contribute to the following hazards: 
Gases may form an explosive mixture 
when combined with air in specific 
proportions. Methane (odorless), is the
only gas likely to be produced in high 
enough concentrations to pose any 
real explosion hazard. However, 
methane is only explosive when
diluted to concentrations between 5% 
and 15%. There also must be an 
ignition source for an explosion to 


Asphyxiation occurs if there is not 
enough oxygen in the air to breathe. If 
landfill gases collect in a confined 
space, they have the potential to 
create an oxygen-deficient 
environment. Carbon dioxide is the 
gas most likely to create an
asphyxiation hazard. Symptoms of 
asphyxiation include headache, 
increased breathing and heart rate, 
and dizziness. These symptoms are 
reversed when exposure is eliminated.

How Do Coal-Fired Plants Work?

1. Heat is created
Before the coal is burned, it is pulverized to the fineness of talcum powder. It is then mixed with hot air and blown into the firebox of the boiler. Burning in suspension, the coal/air mixture provides the most complete combustion and maximum heat possible.
2. Water turns to steam
Highly purified water, pumped through pipes inside the boiler, is turned into steam by the heat. The steam reaches temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit and pressures up to 3,500 pounds per square inch, and is piped to the turbine.
3. Steam turns the turbine
The enormous pressure of the steam pushing against a series of giant turbine blades turns the turbine shaft. The turbine shaft is connected to the shaft of the generator, where magnets spin within wire coils to produce electricity.
4. Steam turns back into water
After doing its work in the turbine, the steam is drawn into a condenser, a large chamber in the basement of the power plant. In this important step, millions of gallons of cool water from a nearby source (such as a river or lake) are pumped through a network of tubes running through the condenser. The cool water in the tubes converts the steam back into water that can be used over and over again in the plant.
The cooling water is returned to its source without any contamination, and the steam water is returned to the boiler to repeat the cycle.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All about Pumps

One day  when one of our water pumps failed in the cooling ponds one day, my boss gave me a requisition order and the keys to a company truck. He told me to go into the city and purchase another pump at the industrial supply house.
He said, “Get a water pump that pumps 30 psi [pounds per square inch] at 400 gpm [gallons per minute].” He wrote it on the requisition.
At the industrial supply house, the sales rep escorted me to the pump showroom. He said, “This is the water pump you need. It generates 70 feet of head at 400 gpm. Do you need a coupling and motor too?”
I said, “Wait a minute! I don’t need 70 feet of head. I want 30 psi at 400 gpm. What is 70 feet of head?” I thought the sales rep was trying to do a “bait-and-switch” on me. The requisition chit clearly stated 30 psi. I wondered why the sales rep used different terms. Indignantly, I walked away and went to a competing industrial supply house — where I repeated the same verbal exchange with their sales rep.
I know I’m not alone. This misunderstanding about head and pressure occurs daily all over the country … and, indeed, all over the world.
Pump users want pressure. Pump manufacturers supply feet (or meters) of head. In the final analysis, they are the same, just expressed from two different points of view. As someone who specifies and/or installs pumps, you need to know how these terms relate to each other.
Origins of head, pressure
Ancient Rome and Greece were supplied with running water in giant aqueducts, which carried fresh water from mountain lakes and streams down into the city. Underground clay pipes would carry the water by gravity to the different neighborhoods. The water would collect in fountains for the housewives to carry away daily in clay jars. A centurion normally guarded the fountain to prevent water theft or contamination.
That was 2,600 years ago — when water flowed by gravity, the flow was dispensed in jugs and barrels, and there were no pressure gauges or instrumentation. Still, it was generally understood that force (rated in units of energy) was required to elevate a quantity (volume or weight) of water against gravity. A certain amount of energy (force) was required to raise a jug of water from the fountain up into an oxcart or onto the housewife’s head.
In Greece 2,200 years ago, Archimedes developed the first practical constant-flow pump. The “Archimedes screw” would elevate water from a river up into an irrigation canal for agriculture. The screw was used as a bilge pump on the king’s barge. It would also lift well water up to the surface for the wives to carry home and use to pour their husbands’ bath. (The topic of women’s liberation requires another article.)
Beginning with the Archimedes screw and the Egyptian noria (another pumping device), pump force was rated in units of energy against gravity. For this reason, pumps are rated in “head” to express what we call pressure.
In 1643 the French inventor and mathematician Blaise Pascal, realized that air (the atmosphere) also has weight and that its force is applied in all directions, not just down with gravity. So, he clarified the concept of “pressure” as it is used in the physical sciences: He defined pressure as a force applied to an area, such as a pound of force applied to a square inch of area: thus, pounds per square inch.
A useful formula
Today, modern pump companies continue to rate a liquid’s force as a unit of energy against gravity. If we apply this same force in another direction — such as against the interior sidewall of a pressurized tank — we would use the term “pressure.”
In simple terms, the mathematical constant 2.31 converts a unit of energy against gravity into a unit of force against any other area. This constant converts a foot of head of water into pressure: Head in feet of water divided by 2.31 equals pressure in psi, and pressure in psi times 2.31 equals head in feet.
If the liquid is not water (examples: paint, chocolate syrup or gasoline), the liquid’s specific gravity must be factored into the formula.
The constant 2.31 comes from the following: A square foot of area contains 144 square inches; a cubic foot of ambient-temperature water weighs 62.38 (62.4) pounds per cubic foot at 70 F at sea level.
If I poured 1 pound of water into a tall, narrow vessel that occupies 1 square inch of floor space, I would fill that vessel to 2.31 feet of elevation. Now let’s apply this information with some examples.
Imagine you were on a clear mountain lake taking a ride in a glass-bottomed boat. If the viewing windows were 6 feet below the water’s surface, how much pressure would be acting on the glass panes? Answer: The pressure acting against the windows would be 2.6 pounds per square inch, or 6 feet ÷ 2.31 = 2.6 psi.
The pump rep was right
Here’s another example: Most communities will have an elevated tank of ambient water that supplies water pressure to the communities and neighborhoods below the tank. If the water in the tank is 150 feet above a kitchen faucet in one of the homes, what is the water pressure at the faucet (assuming no other influences on pressure)? Answer: 150 ÷ 2.31 = 65.8 psi.
A standard pressure gauge would record 66 psi. There would be 66 psi of water pressure available at the kitchen faucet, until someone opens the faucet and water flows. As the faucet is opened and water begins moving through the pipes, there would be a slight pressure drop due to friction between the water and the pipe’s internal walls.
Now let’s work in the other direction. If I want to buy a pump that develops 30 psi to pump water, what is my pump rating? What pump should I buy?
30 psi x 2.31 = 70 feet
If you need a pump to develop 30 psi of water pressure, then buy a pump that develops 70 feet of head.
So, it turns out that back in 1965, the pump sales rep was trying to show me the correct pump for my application.
Differential pressure
Allow me to refine a couple of points:
Pumps develop differential head, or differential pressure. This means the pump takes suction pressure, adds more pressure (the design pressure), and generates discharge pressure. So, the discharge pressure is equal to the suction pressure plus the pump’s design pressure. The discharge pressure of the pump should be approximately equivalent to the total dynamic head (TDH) required by the system (tanks, pipes, elbows, valves, flanges and fittings).
To monitor and control your pump, your pump should have a suction pressure gauge and a discharge pressure gauge installed on the pump. You are concerned with the differential.
Let’s say your pump is designed to develop 40 psi. Let’s say there are 3 psi of pressure in the liquid as it arrives into the pump. The suction pressure gauge will read 3 psi. The pump is designed to add 40 psi of pressure. The discharge gauge would read 43 psi. The differential is 40 psi.
If the pressure entering the pump is 25 psi, the discharge gauge will read 65 psi. The differential is 40 psi.
Sick pumps to behaving ones
I work as a engineert. Frequently I’m called to analyze a problem with a sick pump. I usually arrive to find the sick pump has no gauges installed. Or, maybe the sick pump has only a discharge gauge. The pump operator, installer or owner doesn’t know what the pump is doing. This is normally the source of the problem.
Operating a pump without gauges is like driving a car without a dashboard control panel. I mean, you need a timer and a temperature gauge just to cook a pan of biscuits in the oven.
After we control and monitor the differential pressure across the pump, the pump calms down and behaves. The discharge gauge is useless without the suction gauge. Remember, it is the differential pressure, or differential head.
Finally, if your system requires 50 feet of head at 600 gpm, then you will want to purchase a pump with best efficiency coordinates of 50 feet at 600 gpm on the pump performance curve. When reading these curves while choosing a pump, there is a certain optimum zone on the pump-curve graph that you want to stay in. That zone is where the pump operates most efficiently. Pump efficiency is the best combination of head and flow at the least energy consumption. Buy and use efficient pumps.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Handwriting analysis

Handwriting analysis is a surprisingly accurate way to gain insight into someone's personality and current emotional state. While it takes years of study and analyzation of hundreds, if not thousands, of writing samples to become a professional graphologist, you can become an amateur handwriting analyst by looking out for a few basic components of handwriting. Looking at the size, shape and baseline of someone's handwriting offers a quick analysis of their private and public persona.


    • 1
      Collect a writing sample. If you are analyzing yourself, write a few spontaneous sentences, sign the paper and date it. If you are analyzing someone else, have that person write a sample, sign and date it.
    • 2
      Examine the size of the handwriting sample. Large writing indicates a desire to be noticed and to stand out. Medium-sized writing reveals a desire to fit in, and small handwriting indicates a person who would rather blend in.
    • 3
      Compare the size of the sample signature to the handwriting sample. The signature indicates how a person wants to be perceived. The same principles as in Step 2 apply, but this analysis applies to the subject's public persona.
    • 4
      Notice the slant of the writing sample. Handwriting that strongly leans to the right indicates someone who is impulsive and enthusiastic. A slight right slant is consistent with a person who is sociable and outgoing. Vertical writing is characteristic of someone who is independent and practical. Left-slanted writing indicates a person who is reserved and possibly shy. Varying slants indicate an emotionally unpredictable person.
    • 5
      Compare the slant of the signature to the slant of the handwriting sample. The slant of the signature indicates how to person wants to be publicly perceived.
    • 6
      Analyze the baseline, or line against which letters are naturally written, of the writing sample. The baseline can change with a person's mood so this part of the analysis offers a glimpse into the current mood. A straight baseline is indicative of a stable, determined person. An up-sloping baseline shows a hopeful, optimistic person, while a down-sloping baseline could be a sign of pessimism or a tired, overwhelmed person. A varied baseline may indicate an emotionally indecisive mood.
    • 7
      Scrutinize the baseline of the signature in comparison to the baseline of the sample for a glimpse into how the person wants his mood to be viewed by the public.